I found these lovely pictures a The Selby. You should check out his work; he captures sneak peaks into the homes/lives of some interesting people and beautiful spaces.
Levi has been sick the last couple days and we have found ourselves stuck at home. I haven't minded; it's good to slow down together every now and again. A few things that have been fun: popsicles, sesame street and the front porch (good for people watching).
Hooray! Dan and I set out enjoy our first garden this year. It is really very minimal: tomatoes, basil, cilantro, thyme, parsley, green onions and strawberries. I have learned lots, especially since I knew nothing going in. :) And, even with limited attention, good things have been happening in our kitchen. A few favorites: pesto chicken (basil and cilantro from the garden), and basil mojitos (as delicious as they sound and our new favorite summertime drink). I hope to make an heirloom salad once these beauties finish ripening.